Talkwalker for Competitive Intelligence

Know your competition better

Harness AI to analyze earned mentions, track performance metrics, and identify strategic opportunities

Manifest the true potential of your brand

Analyze earned mentions

Assess brand mentions and discussions across the entire landscape of news, blogs, forums, and social Media to understand your standing

Our AI seamlessly synthesizes large volumes of unstructured data to automatically surface key emerging topics, themes, and conversations surrounding your brand


Track engagement & reach

Continuously monitor your performance over time across the most relevant sites and influential authors to identify new opportunities

Easily compare share of voice and engagement metrics to pinpoint areas for improvement relative to top competitors

Extract strategic insights

Identify top-performing content types, angles, and hashtags that resonate most with your target audiences

Enable data-driven decision making and positioning based on hard intelligence about what is gaining traction

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Save hours of work

Our AI Insights automatically generate an incisive data summary, saving your team countless hours of manual analysis

Radically reduce the need for labor-intensive reporting while still harnessing key insights

Make better decisions

Directly compare your metrics and performance against competitors through interactive dashboards

Continuously optimize strategies and campaigns based on hard benchmarking data

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Book a free demo

  • Experience the power of Talkwalker with a demo tailored just for you.
  • Our deep industry experts help and guide you every step of the way.

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