Talkwalker Blog

New Feature: Using Facebook Insights Integration to Find Social ROI

Written by Talkwalker | March 8, 2017

Using Facebook for your business? According to a Forrester report, Facebook dominates the social landscape. With a penetration rate of 63%, if you’re not using it, now's the time to start! The platform’s inbuilt analytics tool, Facebook Insights, gives you, the page owner, the tools to track user interaction, the number of active users, and overall page performance. Facebook Insights integration to Talkwalker means you can track and analyze all of your social and online data, revealing even more valuable stats.

Talkwalker's launch of Facebook Insights integration just supercharged this analysis tool, bringing additional metrics and actionable insights to feed your social media marketing strategy. We've highlighted a few ways this can be done. Take a look!

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Facebook Insights will Boost your Social Media Marketing

With Facebook Page Insights, you can determine the best time of day to post, the best day of the week to post, and the most popular type of content.

You can view a snapshot of your page for a chosen time period. Insights include likes, comments, shares, where your traffic is coming from along with age, gender, and language. You can see how many times your page was viewed and what was clicked, e.g. CTA button, website address. Learn what time of day your fans are online and which posts and/or videos they’re engaging with.

But, sometimes you need more. Such as which keywords people are using to search for your page, how long are they spending on your page, or how many conversions did your post earn?

3 Benefits of Talkwalker's Facebook Insights Integration

Sure, Facebook Insights gives you a detailed snapshot of everything going on with your Facebook page but how’s your performance compared to your Facebook competitors? How does the behavior of your Facebook fans compare to your Twitter followers? How can you measure your website traffic, your bounce rate? What’s your social media ROI? These questions and more can now be answered with the launch of Facebook Insights integration to Talkwalker - all you need on one dashboard.

Fast Performance Optimization by Viewing Everything in One Place

As a social media manager, you’ll appreciate that collecting data for reports and tracking marketing campaigns, is a thankless task. Jumping between your different social platforms, exporting the data, then rebuilding it into something comprehensive; it takes time. It’s data that will optimize your multichannel campaigns. Its value can’t be ignored, but can you be bothered?

Example of social media dashboard showing metrics from both Twitter and Facebook Insights side by side.

Our Facebook Insights integration means that not only will you be able to access all the Facebook pages you own on one dashboard, you’ll also be able to view insights from all your other social activity. And, even better, you’ll be able to compare the performance of your Facebook pages against that of your competitors. You pushed a campaign across Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube – how did it do? Did your competitors get better engagement, worse? Using our dashboard, shown above, means you can see all the stats in real-time, compare results, and act immediately.

Find New Opportunities by Merging & Comparing Data Sets 

Measure and compare all your KPIs in one place. Cross channel metrics on a single dashboard means you can track and compare across different networks and data sets.

Increased clicks on Facebook posts led to website conversion on Feb 8 but there was little correlation between Facebook clicks and conversions on Feb 27.

Find and compare the habits, preferences and demographics of your entire social audience. Is your Facebook audience the same as your Twitter audience? Did a spike in website traffic also lead to a spike in Facebook traffic? Which platform converts best? Which type of posts work on each platform?

Make sense of the actions you take on social media. Facebook Insights is without question, a powerful tool. Our integration of Facebook Insights to Talkwalker means you can work with additional metrics such as engagement rate, consumption, website traffic volume, aggregate video metrics, and lots more.  

Demonstrate Social Media ROI with Comprehensive Reports 

You’re using social media to engage with your audience, increase brand awareness, maybe customer support, and for driving traffic to your website. Your CEO is chasing proof of the value of your social campaigns. To justify the money spent, you have to show that your efforts are working, that fans are converting, that traffic is valid and increasing.

Our launch of Facebook Insights integration means you can track and optimize the performance of all your ads on one dashboard, easily finding stats to prove your social media ROI. Compare your boosted posts to find what's working and what isn't, whether earned, owned or paid. 

Sample report including Facebook Insights data and data from other social networks with multiple format options.

The data sources of social media and web analytics are separate. To avoid having to use multiple tools to collect the data you need, we’ve also integrated Google Analytics into our platform. So, when your boss asks if the latest blog post on Facebook was a success, you’ll be able to reveal the number of likes, shares, positive comments, how many fans visited your website along with demographic information. All your social data in one place makes report generation simple. Quickly create your report, save in multiple formats, then share with marketing, sales, product, etc.

Our Facebook Insights integration will take your digital marketing reports to the next level. They’ll be more comprehensive as they’ll include insights on all your social media efforts alongside website traffic, SEO, and AdWords. Plus, you’ll be able to choose how to present your data - from simple graphs and charts to more advanced visualizations like virality maps and word clouds.

If you'd like to see exactly how our Facebook Insights integration reveals more data than the inbuilt analysis tool, you can have a demo personalized to your specific business needs with one of our social media experts.