Talkwalker Blog

Top 3 Digital Trends for your Marketing: Part 1/3 Talkwalker

Written by Talkwalker | January 3, 2014

2013 has been a busy year for digital marketers. Social Media and mobile marketing has continued to grow in popularity and there has never been a more exciting time to be a marketer.

During the past year we have seen a massive surge in video content creation with the introduction of apps like Vine and have witnessed the growing popularity of networks like Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter in particular. These social networks are carving a unique niche for themselves and are providing digital marketers with ever more innovative platforms and interesting ways in which to build their brands and connect with consumers.

You might wonder how all of this will affect digital marketing in 2014 and one thing is for certain- that we will see new advancements in social media marketing, with content being consumed in a more varied, more immediate way than ever before and ever more creative marketing concepts and real-time content will be needed to keep up.

So as the calendar turns over, Talkwalker continues its study of the top digital trends for 2014 -so that you can plan for the year ahead, but as you read this forecast, it’s also worth remembering that the next new thing may actually look like the same old thing - but it’s a consumers changing behaviour and how well that you and your brand adapt to this that make all the difference.




1. Content Marketing: We’re at a Content Marketing crossroads


Content marketing is nothing new, but over the last year its importance has once again been pushed to the forefront as social media has continued to mature and the web has become more mobile and more dependent on things like micro-content.

This content consumption evolution has changed the digital marketing landscape and will impact the way businesses communicate for the long-term. Now more than ever, we need to be able to create an effective two-way dialogue with consumers across every social touch point with our businesses.

So what does this mean for content marketing?

This age of open dialogue between consumers and businesses provides us marketers with a great opportunity because the nature of the social web lends itself well to building trust and creating a real-time word of mouth marketing scenario that has simply been brought online.

However, Mashable predicts that 2014 is “the make-it or break-it year for proving the value of content and social marketing” and experts like Lisa Moretti, strategist at Seven also predict that with this opportunity comes a greater accountability for ROI than ever before, and in order for businesses to represent themselves effectively online and drive a more measurable long-term impact: “People need to start taking content a lot more seriously and view it as a fundamental first step towards launching a successful social media presence.”

And that as this change happens in 2014 that “there will be far fewer rookie errors of signing up to a social media channel without knowing what you’ll be saying in that space. As a result, content budgets will grow and more brands will start to work as publishers: hiring editors, copywriters and ex-journalists in the process. It’s not just about quick wins on YouTube, anymore. It’s about implementing a long-term plan on how you plan to inspire/educate/entertain your community with content that best represents your brand’s personality.”

Pushing out interesting content on social media can definitely be a meaningful way to engage and gain social advocates, but in order to maintain the sustained engagement necessary to build your brand over time- in 2014 we need to have a more sustainable always-on approach and learn to communicate more effectively with the right message, in the right context at the right time.


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