5 Best Tools for Content Curation – The Experts’ View

We've all heard the phrase “content is king” but constantly finding interesting new content to put on our websites or share on social media is often much easier said than done. As much as we may know that we need to share a variety of content to keep things interesting, with so much content covering similar topics finding those nuggets of content gold can be time consuming.

After all who’s to say which is the BEST content marketing strategy or the BEST way to write a blog? But all is not lost, content curation tools abound to help you on your voyage to uncover the best content for your audience - those articles, blogs and tweets that will get the online public flocking to your website, social channel or blog. Here is a list of 5 of the best content curation tools with recommendations from some industry experts to help you become a one stop shop for great content.

Talkwalker Content Analytics IQ App - Find What Works for Your Audience

Before we get to the list however I would be remiss not to mention that here at Talkwalker our social data intelligence platform can also give you key insights you can use for content sharing through a combination of comprehensive data crawling and powerful analytics. With our dedicated Content Analytics IQ App, you can easily find the type of content that works best for your audience - a great tool for your content marketing strategy.



1. DrumUp – Straight Up Sharing


DrumUp is a relative newcomer to the content curation world but its merits are manifold. You simply enter the keywords for the type of content you want to find (the more accurate the better) and then DrumUp quickly gives you a list of potential content to share and even schedules it for sharing in the tool. The content suggested is based on the authority of the source and relevance to your keyword search. Suggestions are also fresh with nothing over 5 days old. DrumUp is still in beta but its real strength seems to lie in its simplicity and ability to provide good, relevant content with minimum fuss.

Pooja Lohana (@WellPaidWriters) in "8 essential time saving tools every online entrepreneur needs" on entrepreneur.com

“For me, the stories DrumUp recently suggested seemed fresh, with most published in the previous 24 to 48 hours, which is great. All in all, DrumUp is a simple streamlined social media content management tool that keeps your social media presence active, while you focus on the core concerns of your venture.”

 2. Swayy – Pretty and Practical


Swayy uses a mix of keywords, profile analysis and interest groups to find the content that best matches your needs. The dashboard presents the content in a visually appealing way. Sharing is simple and easy to schedule, and you can even get an idea of why each piece of content was chosen for display.  The analytics tabs gives you some information about the effect that your new found content sharing prowess is having on your social performance.

Ron Sela (@ronsela), Blogger at ronsela.com

“Swayy is excellent as it allows you to quickly discover the perfect content to post based on topics you indicate you’re interested in. It’s a really fast way to get content that people want to read. Swayy also makes sharing easy and allows users to check their success through analytics reports.”

3. Klout – Content with Influence


Klout has a variety of content curation options based on topics and keywords and sharing can be done directly from the tool. You can also keep a careful eye on how your content sharing is affecting your Klout score with charts measuring changes in your score over time. The content is also divided into helpful categories like "on target" and "hot off the press" to give you an even deeper understanding of exactly what type of content you are sharing.

Laura Click (@lauraclick) in "Content Curation: 3 New Tools to Discover and Share Content" on flybluekite.com

“My favorite aspect of the tool is that Klout gives you insight into why the article has been recommended for you. I also really like the “Hidden Gem” articles, which often come from lesser-known sources. ”

4. Scoop.it – Info Center


Scoop.it is also based on keyword searches and topics but one difference with some of the other tools is that it provides you with a lot more of the content so you don’t necessarily have to leave the Scoop.it webpage to understand the article. The handy topics pages also give you an insight into what content other Scoop.it users are finding and sharing, giving a community sourced feel to the suggestions.

Robin Good (@RobinGood), Content Curation Evangelist at www.MasterNewMedia.org

“Scoop.it is a news curation powerhouse offering tons of highly valuable features that satisfy everyone from the novice to the expert user. Its discovery engine is outstanding as it can identify trending content across any topic and for the number of customisable persistent search options that it offers in its backend.”

5. BuzzSumo – What’s Trending?


BuzzSumo is a great way to find the top performing content around a particular keyword as a quick search will give you the posts that have generated the most shares, or produced the most links. The new trending feature adds yet another string to their bow showing you a snapshot of trending topics from a variety go categories over the last day or just over the last few hours. Google trends eat your heart out!

Lee Odden (@leeodden), CEO of TopRankMarketing.com

toprankmarketing “BuzzSumo offers a freemium model that gives you a glimpse of all sorts of competitive content and social data. Their new Trending feature is a killer app for content discovery with pre-set categories, custom topics, variable timeframes and the option to see what’s trending now or what has had the most shares.”

(Note: All the tools listed in this blog have a free version at the time of writing.)

Image Credit: keyideasinfotech.com

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